Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Before/During/After of Groves Family Portrait

Here's a quick before/during/after of this shot:

Groves Family Portrait

these are just screen shots taken on my iphone, sorry for the bad quality!

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As you can see, this is a composite - which was relatively straight forward with the guys (they literally flung themselves at the lampost!) but harder with Claire - flinging wasn't too much of an option (though she did have a go, brilliant!) so instead we took some shots of her being held up by Martin, though I did have a problem with the legs as I was going to use a different shot of her head/arms, but I really should have taken shots of her legs at different angles. Not too much of a biggie though! :)

Lighting wise I enhanced the light behind them under the bridge using a big old "lightball" as I like to call it, which I made on GIMP, and layered it "screen" and adjusted the colour curves and opacity afterwards. For me when I'm editing I work in sections both on screen and in my head - so when I'm shooting on camera, i'm only looking for sections of a photo to look good so that i can comp them in later!

This was shot with my 50mm 1.4 on my 5D mkii. It was pretty dark out and my settings were terrible, I think I was at about 1/80 (with flinging involved = bad bad bad) at 1.4 (trying to focus during flinging = awful awful awful) and at 6400 ISO (hideous). But i think it came together pretty damn well!

Hope this helps and of course hope you like it :)

Here's a more formal one we did, too :)

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Happy Wednesday!


  1. Fantastic concept for the informal portrait, defiantly a great talking point if they are going to put a print of it on their wall.

  2. That's a lot of fun. I like what you do with the creative portraits. Definitely a great conversation piece in and of itself other than "hey look at our new photos".

  3. You're fantastic! With those conditions, I think it gets a miracle to get those pictures in shape :)

  4. how is it so clear at 6400 ISO?!? how much time did you spend on editing?

    "it came together pretty damn well" is an understatement! i'd say you have supernatural powers...or your camera does. but i think it's you.

  5. How interesting photography . Thanks for sharing .
