Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Behind the Scenes: The Adventures of Emily in October

The Adventures of Emily in October

One of the stupidest and coldest things I have ever done in my life! But great fun, none-the-less!

Kane and I set off today for a photo day! Getting there proved to be the biggest obstacle, however. After about 30mins of prodding, shoving and dismantling of wheels, I had just about given up trying to fit my prop plane into my Beetle. Then I remembered I have a soft top roof which comes down, we strapped it in and away we flew.

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Kane wanted to shoot some footage for his media coursework (a music video) and I lended myself + props + plane for the job. Here are some fun screenshots I took:

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After Kane had done shooting, and I was FREEZING, I decided to proceed with the shot I had in mind. I'd come the day before and seen this bath which was covered in ice in the middle of the field. The thing that I liked most of all was the grass growing out of it, so I did a quick mock up when I got home based on this shot I took:

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About to get in:

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Then came the COLD!!!!

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I got in 3 times. I always like to check my shots to see if they're coming out how I want them to, the shots with me to the back of the bath just looked odd, as there was icey soil at the bottom of the tub so I wasn't as submerged as I wanted to be.

Instead I switched it around and lay on my front. Here's the whole concept coming to life from mock up to final shot:

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The worst thing was that afterwards, we had to drive home in the freezing cold with the ROOF DOWN on the car. I drove back in my dressing gown, much to the amusement of other drivers!

One thing I've learned since taking up photography, is that if you aren't willing to really put yourself out there to get a shot, then the shot is most likely not going to be very interesting. Sometimes you just have to man up and get in the tub.

Have a great evening everyone!

Rosie x


  1. Rosie, you're one dedicated photographer! I enjoy following your work and look forward to the work yet to come!

    Tom in Tacoma

  2. Wow, you are crazy brave, girl. It was totally worth it, though. Awesome shot.

  3. I'm sure you get someone who says this about every new shot, but I think this is one of my favourites from you. I enjoy your manipulations, but sometimes I think the strongest stuff is just a simple execution. Not that climbing in to half frozen bath tubs is easy, but you get what I mean right?

    Good luck with the rest of the 365! Happy to see you posting more. :)

  4. This cracked me up...what a story and a fantastic find (that tub). As always great work Rosie! Cheers!

  5. first of all this is a wonderful shot! but Rosie, don't you worry that the water maybe a bit too.... dirty?? >.<

  6. I saw you on the back of a bus in Los Angeles! (For the Maroon 5 album). Just thought you'd be excited:)

  7. Woah it must have been sooo cold! And also, rather dirty water :S hah! Lucky that you had someone with you to drive you home, but you should've brought more/warmer clothes. You'll get sick! :(

    Anywho, shot turned out aaawsoome!

    Also, is there any chance you can add so that you are able to comment as "name + URl" cause have to use my google account to comment here and I don't really use that one anymore :P


  8. Wow! Much dedication towards getting the shot!

  9. this is absolutely brilliant! i love how you talk about getting into the tub. it is so true. this winter i can't wait to get a little naked in the snow. (although im really really scared)

    could you some day write a post about how do you pose and do crazy stuff with people around? don't you get really conscious? that is something i find has really pulled me back in photography. would love to know your thoughts!

  10. I agree with Tara G, about if you ever get self conscious for shots?

  11. Now that's dedication! Well done!!

  12. Rosie only you would look at a dirty old bath tub in the middle of a field and thing "I'm going to photograph myself in that!" And we love you for it! You're absolutely mad as a box of frogs. Don't give it up! =D

    p.s I hope you had a good shower when you got home. That water looks filthy!!

  13. i love baths. i love old baths in fields. it's like magic, i think.

    a hug from my elephant!

  14. This is such a fun shot! I absolutely love it, and actually, I was directed here through your Flickr
    <3 Kiersten

  15. Weee I love behind the scene shots! As always, the end result looks amazing!

  16. hahaha, maybe, but you could also wait to do this shot in spring and do something else now LOL

  17. well done Rosie! thanks for freezing your booty for us!
